Six German students from Düsseldorf who’ve been undertaking three weeks’ work experience in Reading have given a presentation in the Mayor’s Parlour at Reading’s civic centre. The group comes from the Lore-Lorentz-Schule and all the students are studying business with foreign languages. Similar groups have come to Reading annually since about 1993.

The group was received by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor David Stevens, representatives of employers, and members of the Reading Düsseldorf Association. They were accompanied by their teacher, Susanne Holly. They gave an interesting presentation about themselves and their backgrounds, including a video they had made showing Düsseldorf including some of their home areas. They spoke about their work placement activities, and their impressions of Reading and England including an outing to London.

Members present remarked on the students’ excellent English, good presentation skills and evident hard work. It was clear that the four young women and two young men were enjoying their stay and making good use of their time.
Some of the students had helped with the Reading Cultural Awards and found this particularly interesting. Significant awards went to the Reading Fringe Festival, which this year will again include several performers from Düsseldorf.
The students are working with Reading Borough Council, the University of Reading Henley Business School, Reading UK CIC and Hilton Reading. The class taking the course next year is likely to be larger, and we would very much appreciate offers of placements from other employers. Host families have been arranged through Host-Link.